Thursday, December 01, 2005

Quote(s) for the Day:

FIRST A DISCLAIMER: I would like to clarify that these quotes aren't mine... I decided to immortalize the quotes here in my blog so that the people who said them wouldn't be able to take back the silly/funny/embarassing things they've said.

"Crushes are like candies, temporary cures for hunger but they only mask the void."
- from Jilted Too Often

"My life has reached new desperate heights. I'd rather be tormented by my friends than be alone."
- from Desperadang Maokray

I used to keep a "quotes for the day" post on our corkboard in the aquarium. My only regret is that I wasn't able to keep a personal file of those quotes before they were thrown out, either by the janitor or by those whose quotes I posted.

Yam, were you able to keep a file? :)